170 CM in Feet and Inches

Are you wondering how much is 170 cm in feet? Converting from centimeters to feet is a common length conversion, especially when you’re working with metric measurements.

Here’s how to do it quickly and easily. Learn how to calculate it below.

So what is 170 cm in feet?

170 cm is equal to 5 feet and 7 inches.

A commonly used method of measuring height is in feet and inches, and for many adults, 170 cm is considered the ideal height.

One way to convert this metric measurement into a more understandable one is to know that it is equal to 5 feet 7 inches.

This conversion can be useful when shopping for clothing as sizes vary greatly between metric and imperial measurements.

Clothes that may only offer meters as an option are easily converted, allowing for confident purchases! Knowing average human heights can also be helpful in many everyday situations.

How did we calculate 170 cm height in feet?

170 cm in feet and inches = 5.58 feet and 6.93 inches
170 cm in feet and inches height ~ 5 feet and 7 inches

Here’s the calculation formula:

Feet part = Int([170] / 30.48)
Inch part = 12 * Mod([170] / 30.48,1)

Thus, the 170 cm to feet and inches formula is:

Int([170] / 30.48) + 12 * Mod([170] / 30.48,1).

CM to Feet and Inches Calculation Chart

Centimeters Feet and Inches
1 cm 0 feet and 0.3937 inches
2 cm 0 feet and 0.7874 inches
3 cm 0 feet and 1.1811 inches
4 cm 0 feet and 1.5748 inches
5 cm 0 feet and 1.9685 inches
6 cm 0 feet and 2.3622 inches
7 cm 0 feet and 2.7559 inches
8 cm 0 feet and 3.1496 inches
9 cm 0 feet and 3.5433 inches
10 cm 0 feet and 3.937 inches
11 cm 0 feet and 4.3307 inches
12 cm 0 feet and 4.7244 inches
13 cm 0 feet and 5.1181 inches
14 cm 0 feet and 5.5118 inches
15 cm 0 feet and 5.9055 inches
16 cm 0 feet and 6.2992 inches
17 cm 0 feet and 6.6929 inches
18 cm 0 feet and 7.0866 inches
19 cm 0 feet and 7.4803 inches
20 cm 0 feet and 7.874 inches
21 cm 0 feet and 8.2677 inches
22 cm 0 feet and 8.6614 inches
23 cm 0 feet and 9.0551 inches
24 cm 0 feet and 9.4488 inches
25 cm 0 feet and 9.8425 inches
26 cm 0 feet and 10.2362 inches
27 cm 0 feet and 10.6299 inches
28 cm 0 feet and 11.0236 inches
29 cm 0 feet and 11.4173 inches
30 cm 0 feet and 11.811 inches
31 cm 1 feet and 0.2047 inches
32 cm 1 feet and 0.5984 inches
33 cm 1 feet and 0.9921 inches
34 cm 1 feet and 1.3858 inches
35 cm 1 feet and 1.7795 inches
36 cm 1 feet and 2.1732 inches
37 cm 1 feet and 2.5669 inches
38 cm 1 feet and 2.9606 inches
39 cm 1 feet and 3.3543 inches
40 cm 1 feet and 3.748 inches
41 cm 1 feet and 4.1417 inches
42 cm 1 feet and 4.5354 inches
43 cm 1 feet and 4.9291 inches
44 cm 1 feet and 5.3228 inches
45 cm 1 feet and 5.7165 inches
46 cm 1 feet and 6.1102 inches
47 cm 1 feet and 6.5039 inches
48 cm 1 feet and 6.8976 inches
49 cm 1 feet and 7.2913 inches
50 cm 1 feet and 7.685 inches
51 cm 1 feet and 8.0787 inches
52 cm 1 feet and 8.4724 inches
53 cm 1 feet and 8.8661 inches
54 cm 1 feet and 9.2598 inches
55 cm 1 feet and 9.6535 inches
56 cm 1 feet and 10.0472 inches
57 cm 1 feet and 10.4409 inches
58 cm 1 feet and 10.8346 inches
59 cm 1 feet and 11.2283 inches
60 cm 1 feet and 11.622 inches
61 cm 2 feet and 0.0157 inches
62 cm 2 feet and 0.4094 inches
63 cm 2 feet and 0.8031 inches
64 cm 2 feet and 1.1969 inches
65 cm 2 feet and 1.5906 inches
66 cm 2 feet and 1.9843 inches
67 cm 2 feet and 2.378 inches
68 cm 2 feet and 2.7717 inches
69 cm 2 feet and 3.1654 inches
70 cm 2 feet and 3.5591 inches
71 cm 2 feet and 3.9528 inches
72 cm 2 feet and 4.3465 inches
73 cm 2 feet and 4.7402 inches
74 cm 2 feet and 5.1339 inches
75 cm 2 feet and 5.5276 inches
76 cm 2 feet and 5.9213 inches
77 cm 2 feet and 6.315 inches
78 cm 2 feet and 6.7087 inches
79 cm 2 feet and 7.1024 inches
80 cm 2 feet and 7.4961 inches
81 cm 2 feet and 7.8898 inches
82 cm 2 feet and 8.2835 inches
83 cm 2 feet and 8.6772 inches
84 cm 2 feet and 9.0709 inches
85 cm 2 feet and 9.4646 inches
86 cm 2 feet and 9.8583 inches
87 cm 2 feet and 10.252 inches
88 cm 2 feet and 10.6457 inches
89 cm 2 feet and 11.0394 inches
90 cm 2 feet and 11.4331 inches
91 cm 2 feet and 11.8268 inches
92 cm 3 feet and 0.2205 inches
93 cm 3 feet and 0.6142 inches
94 cm 3 feet and 1.0079 inches
95 cm 3 feet and 1.4016 inches
96 cm 3 feet and 1.7953 inches
97 cm 3 feet and 2.189 inches
98 cm 3 feet and 2.5827 inches
99 cm 3 feet and 2.9764 inches
100 cm 3 feet and 3.3701 inches
101 cm 3 feet and 3.7638 inches
102 cm 3 feet and 4.1575 inches
103 cm 3 feet and 4.5512 inches
104 cm 3 feet and 4.9449 inches
105 cm 3 feet and 5.3386 inches
106 cm 3 feet and 5.7323 inches
107 cm 3 feet and 6.126 inches
108 cm 3 feet and 6.5197 inches
109 cm 3 feet and 6.9134 inches
110 cm 3 feet and 7.3071 inches
111 cm 3 feet and 7.7008 inches
112 cm 3 feet and 8.0945 inches
113 cm 3 feet and 8.4882 inches
114 cm 3 feet and 8.8819 inches
115 cm 3 feet and 9.2756 inches
116 cm 3 feet and 9.6693 inches
117 cm 3 feet and 10.063 inches
118 cm 3 feet and 10.4567 inches
119 cm 3 feet and 10.8504 inches
120 cm 3 feet and 11.2441 inches
121 cm 3 feet and 11.6378 inches
122 cm 4 feet and 0.0315 inches
123 cm 4 feet and 0.4252 inches
124 cm 4 feet and 0.8189 inches
125 cm 4 feet and 1.2126 inches
126 cm 4 feet and 1.6063 inches
127 cm 4 feet and 2.0 inches
128 cm 4 feet and 2.3937 inches
129 cm 4 feet and 2.7874 inches
130 cm 4 feet and 3.1811 inches
131 cm 4 feet and 3.5748 inches
132 cm 4 feet and 3.9685 inches
133 cm 4 feet and 4.3622 inches
134 cm 4 feet and 4.7559 inches
135 cm 4 feet and 5.1496 inches
136 cm 4 feet and 5.5433 inches
137 cm 4 feet and 5.937 inches
138 cm 4 feet and 6.3307 inches
139 cm 4 feet and 6.7244 inches
140 cm 4 feet and 7.1181 inches
141 cm 4 feet and 7.5118 inches
142 cm 4 feet and 7.9055 inches
143 cm 4 feet and 8.2992 inches
144 cm 4 feet and 8.6929 inches
145 cm 4 feet and 9.0866 inches
146 cm 4 feet and 9.4803 inches
147 cm 4 feet and 9.874 inches
148 cm 4 feet and 10.2677 inches
149 cm 4 feet and 10.6614 inches
150 cm 4 feet and 11.0551 inches
151 cm 4 feet and 11.4488 inches
152 cm 4 feet and 11.8425 inches
153 cm 5 feet and 0.2362 inches
154 cm 5 feet and 0.6299 inches
155 cm 5 feet and 1.0236 inches
156 cm 5 feet and 1.4173 inches
157 cm 5 feet and 1.811 inches
158 cm 5 feet and 2.2047 inches
159 cm 5 feet and 2.5984 inches
160 cm 5 feet and 2.9921 inches
161 cm 5 feet and 3.3858 inches
162 cm 5 feet and 3.7795 inches
163 cm 5 feet and 4.1732 inches
164 cm 5 feet and 4.5669 inches
165 cm 5 feet and 4.9606 inches
166 cm 5 feet and 5.3543 inches
167 cm 5 feet and 5.748 inches
168 cm 5 feet and 6.1417 inches
169 cm 5 feet and 6.5354 inches
170 cm 5 feet and 6.9291 inches
171 cm 5 feet and 7.3228 inches
172 cm 5 feet and 7.7165 inches
173 cm 5 feet and 8.1102 inches
174 cm 5 feet and 8.5039 inches
175 cm 5 feet and 8.8976 inches
176 cm 5 feet and 9.2913 inches
177 cm 5 feet and 9.685 inches
178 cm 5 feet and 10.0787 inches
179 cm 5 feet and 10.4724 inches
180 cm 5 feet and 10.8661 inches
181 cm 5 feet and 11.2598 inches
182 cm 5 feet and 11.6535 inches
183 cm 6 feet and 0.0472 inches
184 cm 6 feet and 0.4409 inches
185 cm 6 feet and 0.8346 inches
186 cm 6 feet and 1.2283 inches
187 cm 6 feet and 1.622 inches
188 cm 6 feet and 2.0157 inches
189 cm 6 feet and 2.4094 inches
190 cm 6 feet and 2.8031 inches
191 cm 6 feet and 3.1969 inches
192 cm 6 feet and 3.5906 inches
193 cm 6 feet and 3.9843 inches
194 cm 6 feet and 4.378 inches
195 cm 6 feet and 4.7717 inches
196 cm 6 feet and 5.1654 inches
197 cm 6 feet and 5.5591 inches
198 cm 6 feet and 5.9528 inches
199 cm 6 feet and 6.3465 inches
200 cm 6 feet and 6.7402 inches

5’7″ is a common height for women in the United States

5’7″ is an incredibly common stature for women in the United States, making up nearly 25% of women within a certain age group.

Everyone from professional athletes, actors and actresses, and average American citizens have a good chance of finding themselves in this category when it comes to height.

This height provides many advantages, ranging from hitting trends in the fashion industry to being athletic enough to seize opportunities such as modeling or sports scholarships.

While not considered ‘short’, 5’7″ provides just enough height to imply strength and natural beauty on an individual, no matter their level of skill.

It’s certainly true that other heights also have their advantages, but 5’7″ has proven to have a solid stay in the United States over past decades and is sure to remain popular for many years to come.

If you are 170 cm tall, you are smaller than the average male in the U.S.

At 170 cm, you are smaller than the average height for men in the U.S. In fact, if you look around at your peers and family, you will likely be one of the shortest people in your group.

If you are 170 cm, you are approximately 2 inches shorter than the average male height in the United States.

While this may feel daunting, there are several advantages to being a shorter male.

For example, as a smaller individual, you can be quite agile and flexible which can often lead to greater success in sports such as basketball or soccer.

Additionally, having a lower center of gravity allows great stability when carrying out physical activities like lifting and climbing.

Studies have also suggested that shorter males tend to live longer than their taller counterparts due to fewer health issues.

Despite conventional societal notions of taller individuals being more desirable, there are benefits and strengths to be found in being a smaller-sized adult male.

Read Also: 155 cm in feet

You may have difficulty finding clothes that fit if you are shorter than average

There are a lot of challenges that come along with being shorter than average – and it can be easy to take for granted the struggles one might have, especially when it comes to finding clothes to fit their body.

Shopping can become a real challenge when most of the items offered on the market are too long, too baggy, and misproportioned for those who don’t fit the “standard” size range – leading many shorter people to be frustrated in their search for fitted clothing items.

The options may be limited, but going out of your way to find specialty stores or online retailers that offer clothes tailored closer towards smaller sizes might make all the difference in being able to feel comfortable in what you wear.

For those who are willing to put in a bit of extra effort, that perfect fit may be closer than they expected.

People who are 170 cm tall may be considered short in many countries

For many people, being short can be a source of insecurity. In many countries, having a height of 170 cm or less is considered short, and individuals with this stature may have to deal with unfair judgement or even discrimination as a result.

On the other hand, people who are on the shorter side don’t need to feel unconfident about their size.

Being an ‘average’ or ‘smaller’ individual does not mean that one cannot lead a rich and fulfilling life—short people can be just as successful and strong as those who are taller.

There are plenty of examples throughout history of small-statured persons achieving greatness regardless of their size.

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List of countries where 170 cm or less is an average height

According to OurWorldinData, these countries have an average height 170 cm

Netherlands 184 cm 6’0″ 170 cm 5’7″
Montenegro 183 cm 6’0″ 170 cm 5’7″
Denmark 182 cm 5’12” 169 cm 5’7″
Colombia 171 cm 5’7″ 158 cm 5’2″
Thailand 171 cm 5’7″ 159 cm 5’3″
Tuvalu 171 cm 5’7″ 163 cm 5’4″
Cameroon 171 cm 5’7″ 160 cm 5’3″
Sudan 171 cm 5’7″ 160 cm 5’3″
Chad 171 cm 5’7″ 162 cm 5’4″
Palau 170 cm 5’7″ 159 cm 5’3″
Eritrea 170 cm 5’7″ 157 cm 5’2″
Mongolia 170 cm 5’7″ 160 cm 5’3″
Saudi Arabia 170 cm 5’7″ 158 cm 5’2″
Mexico 170 cm 5’7″ 157 cm 5’2″
Kiribati 170 cm 5’7″ 161 cm 5’3″
Zimbabwe 170 cm 5’7″ 160 cm 5’3″
Kenya 170 cm 5’7″ 159 cm 5’3″
Nigeria 170 cm 5’7″ 158 cm 5’2″
Ghana 169 cm 5’7″ 159 cm 5’3″
Nauru 169 cm 5’7″ 158 cm 5’2″
Micronesia 169 cm 5’7″ 159 cm 5’3″
South Africa 169 cm 5’7″ 158 cm 5’2″

There are many celebrities who are 170 cm tall (5’7″)

Believe it or not, there are a number of famous celebrities who are exactly 170 cm or 5 feet 7 inches tall. From popular singers to award-winning actors, many have achieved great success but all share the same height.

Celebrity males who are 170 cm (5’7″)

Tom Cruise

Lionel Messi

Rupert Grint

Mark Ruffalo

Jonah Hill

Read Also: Robert Pattinson Height

Celebrity females who are 170 cm (5’7″)

Kate Winslet

Michelle Pfeiffer

Angelina Jolie

Katy Perry

Jennifer Lopez

Amal Clooney

Sandra Bullock

Read Also: Kristen Stewart Height

Final Words

Now you know how to calculate 170 cm to feet or simply use the above chart for your measurements.

At 170 cm, you are shorter than average for men in the United States. However, it is important to remember that being short does not mean that one cannot be successful or strong.

In fact, there are many celebrities who share your stature and have achieved great things. Ultimately, confidence and hard work are the keys to success, and do not depend on one’s height.